Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Funny Call!!

K. so Shan wanted to call Clinton Brinkerhoff to talk to Austin or Landon about sports. He called and here is his conversation...

Clint: Hello

Shan: Hi...Clint

Clint: Which Clint are you looking for?

Shan: Clint Brinkerhoff

Clint: Oh you have the wrong number

Shan: Clint...I know it's you

Clint: No it's not

Shan: I already know it's you!

Clint: No, Seriosly it's not!

Shan: Oh I really do have the wrong number...okay bye!

Well he actually called this Umpire Clint that lives down the street from us. LAUGH OUT LOUD! Funny Right!