Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Recent Debate

Okay so today was Shaycie's birthday and we went to Wal-Mart to get cake and all this stuff. When we were leaving this lady came running to us and said Shandon you made it to the Allstars and my husband is the coach. He has been waiting for 2 years to make it to the baseball Allstars and so the whole ride home he was just so excited and going "oh" and "wow" so he called our mom and told her all about it because we were at our dads. Later our mom called and asked when Shan was going to Conneticut with our dad. We found out that he was going to be in Conneticut the same time that the Allstars was going to happen!!! How sad huh? He has to decide what he is gonna do so you guys need to help. Okay so heres what you can do.... Comment and tell what he should and why! The one with the most votes is what he will do(maybe)...Get those comments in....


Sheenalynne said...

He should go to the yankee game in Conn he can practice and make the all star team next year but this is the last chance to watch a game inthe original yankee stadium and if your a real yankee fan when you grow up you will want to say that you were there before it's gone!! GO!!

kyla said...

He should stay and play in the all- stars. TO be what you want to be takes dedication and sacrafice. You have to give things up and if shan wants to play agian he needs to take the opportunity now or it might not come next year and he can go to conn another time. PLAY IN THE ALL STARS!!!!!

Shay Baby.. ♥ said...

Wow! Both are way good reasons! So Stephanie, or anyone else gonna post??

Cynthia said...

We were looking forward to having Shan come out, but he needs to decide for himself. I think BOTH Sheena and Kyla are right, he won't get another chance to play in the all stars this year OR another chance to see the old Yankee stadium before they tear it down, So whats more important to him?

Steph said...

I probably would post if you would let a brother know you had a new blog. I think he should cut his trip short and do both. I am a Libra you know the scales always balance;0